Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Women’s Day

A bunch of flowers to all my dear friends (wonderful women)!

This is certainly one special day, because it’s dedicated to me. I hope all of you feel the same way. Do you get a holiday today? I have heard some countries have. Well, we don’t have it in India. But women never take a break from the daily duties we are assigned with, be it a holiday or not. Isn’t it? And it’s quite interesting too!

One funny memory: while in university, we used to ask boys why don’t you wish us in this special day? They say – do you wish us every day? Because it’s 364 days for men & only 1 day for women :) naughty guys!

So no mega plan to celebrate but just be happy and make the little world around you beautiful. Let the day have an essence of you. I would love to listen you…. so please share how you feel about this Special day – The International Women’s Day!