Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Less Known Facts About The Yummy Mushrooms!

Well, you can say it’s another reason enjoy a plate of hot mushrooms....but I learnt it just now that mushroom can be a great veg-option to eat. Though tasty it’s always neglected for having no nutritional values. But you know mushrooms are good sources of three hardworking B-complex vitamins – riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid- vital for healthy skin and good vision. Like vegetables, they are low in calories, colestrol-free and are virtually free of fat and sodium. Mushrooms are one of the best plant-based sources of niacin, which takes care of the digestive and nervous systems.

I love almost all the mushroom preparations. What I am going to share is a tasty Indian-style thick-gravy curry that I made today. Here is the method:

· Heat oil, add a pinch of asafoetida. Add 2 chopped onions. Fry for 2 mins.
· Add mushroom pieces & green peas. Sauté for 5 mins (medium heat).
· Add 1 tbsp of ginger-garlic paste, sauté a little. Add 2 tbsp of curd and sauté.
· Add coriander leaves, red chilli powder, cumin-seed powder, turmeric and salt.
· Mix half cup chopped tomatoes and cover it.
· Switch of the stove after 5 mins. Add butter, ghee or cream while serving. Ready!

Please let me know what other mushroom dishes you love!


  1. That sounds yummy!
    A mushroom dish I love is mushroom risotto. :)

  2. Thanks for dropping by! Yummy mushrooms...

  3. Hey,

    Yummy and tempting dish with mushrooms...:)


  4. One rarely found & greatly tasty mushroom I like is that growns on heap-of-straws. Found only in villages, where rice is main cultivation!
