Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Grow Naturally Beautiful Eyelashes

Fake eyelashes and thick layers of mascara make the eyes look gorgeous. But how many times it has happened that you don’t feel comfortable with wearing those beauty-burdens? Well, I do at time. Sometimes, it results in eye-irritation and like that. So here is a solution how we can grow naturally beautiful eyelashes!

1) Make sure that you take sufficient Vitamin B and Vitamin E in your diet. This is responsible for strengthening hairs & nails as well.

2) Remove eye makeup properly before sleeping. When the mascara dries out it weakens the delicate hairs and cause them to break/fall.

3) Take a cotton pad, pour a little eye makeup remover and gently apply on the eyelashes. Never rub eyes in a hurry!

4) Use Olive oil on the eyelashes while sleeping at night. You can use odourless castor oil as an alternative. It will boost the hair growth.

5) Wash off eyes in cold water in the morning. Avoid wearing mascara and eyelashes everyday!

I am going to try this for sure. Any better suggestion?


  1. great tips!^O^
    would follow this thank you ~:)

  2. I really want to grow my eyelashes naturally and I'll definitely try out the olive oil tonight! Thank you for the tips! xoxoxoxo

  3. Yah, I am trying it too.... but forget @ night. B'coz can't wait to do anything when I feel sleepy :)
