Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meditation Makes You More Beautiful

Today, I love to share something special with you. It’s not a beauty product in fact, but something that beautifies you unconditionally. I must repeat the age-old saying that “The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.”All are not gifted with a perfect figure, an expensive trendy wardrobe, a perfect makeup-man, nor have the brilliant hair expert to consult with. If you agree that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, then I must say that beauty is hidden inside your soul, just waiting to be realized and brought out.
Meditation brings out the real beauty inside us. Devote at least 20-30 minutes to meditation on a daily routine and you’ll feel prettier. Meditation improves blood pressure, asthmatics condition, reduces stress and energizes the sprit. On a whole you stay fit, physically and emotionally. That makes you a perfect beauty.

The simplest steps you can practice are:
  1. Choose a quiet place and Sit quietly in a comfortable “Buddhist” position.
  2. Be committed to a specific duration of time.
  3. Focus on the shortest word you personally believe – exp: love, peace, Om, I surrender all to you, Hallelujah or something that you love to listen & chant.
  4. Take long deep breaths and repeat the focused word in heart.
  5. Assume strong passive attitude. Don't think about how well you're doing or not. If other thoughts enters to mind, simply say, "Oh, well," and gently return to your concentrated position.
  6. Let’s continue it for 10-20 minutes. Never set the alarm, just check the time coolly if you want.
  7. Open eyes and rest for 2-3 minutes in sitting position. Than only you stand and go back to work.

Your joy in life, excitement and energy are reflected on your bright face. Your sexy confidence brings a beautiful smile and dignity to your walk. Your serenity and sensitivity are mirrored in your sparkling eyes. What more you need to make you beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. Meditation good 4 mind --- can make me beautiful too ?????
