Monday, January 28, 2013

Teacup Ring With Lemon Slice For Tea-Lovers

What a nice mini cup of tea. Oops! What a nice finger ring! If I haven't told you in the post title,I mean from the very beginning, probably you have guessed it just another little size of our tea cup to decorate on dining table. This is to wear and never to part with your favorite hot drink. But!!!!!.......Sorry, you can't taste it. Smartly created by Kay of Ruby Robin Boutique. Charming, cute, fashionable. I must call sweet creation, because to me, tea is sweet - as I love sweetest one.

Do you think, this could be one engagement ring as well ?????



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my ring on your lovely blog! It was a really lovely surprise to wake up to this morning :)

  2. That's really pretty ! I like it!

  3. So beautiful!I like it!
    Would like to drink a cuppa without caffeine in it?
    If you are a tea lover and want to enjoy tea without caffeine you are welcome to my site: Come to a World full of Health!

  4. Yeh , I love tea & trying new tastes is quite good! Must visit your site sometime.
