Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hair And Skin Care Tips For Holi- The Festival Of Colours

Holi is coming around. It is the most enjoyable and fun filled festival of India at the beginning of summer. If you are going to play holi this summer, you should know that colours of holi may affect you badly in the form of skin rashes, allergies, dry & brittle hair. So its better you take precautions before playing holi. Here are some skin care tips for your safe holi:

Before holi-

1. Apply coconut or mustard oil all over your exposed body.
2. Apply petroleum jelly behind ears and other areas where there is the possibility of colours getting stuck.
3. Apply sunscreen lotion on skin after 15 minutes of applying oil.
4. Apply hair oil on scalp and hair length. It will give a protective coating to your hair and colours will easily wash away latter.

After holi-

1. Wash your hair with a good shampoo you trust and don’t forget to apply conditioner afterwards. Color damages the smoothness of hairs.
2. To remove tough stain of colours from your skin follow this simple procedure-
Rub some lemon wedges over the affected areas of your skin. Wash it off. Then apply some moisturiser and leave it for 15 minutes. Put few drops of lemon juice in luckewarm water and wash your skin with it using a good moisturising soap.
3. You can also use a homemade pack of gram flour and curd. Make a smooth paste of these two ingredients and rub this paste gently on your skin till the traces of colours come out. It will also make your skin soft.
4. Avoid bleaching, waxing or facial a week before and after holi. It makes the skin dry and even more sensitive.

Have a safe and colourful holi.

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